================================================================= NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE ================================================================= For operational and convenience reasons, at 20:02 (UTC) January 18, 2016, we have removed from our website the TXT file containing the email addresses used by scammers: www.translator-scammers.com/PDF/SCAMMERS_EMAILS.txt ================================================================= THE ***SAME DATA*** WILL ALWAYS BE AVAILABLE ON THIS PAGE: www.translator-scammers.com/translator-scammers-emails.htm ================================================================= SUGGESTION: You may copy all email addresses contained in the page above and create your own TXT list for email filtering or any other purpose that may fit your requirements. ================================================================= WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR UNCONTROLLED COPIES OF OLDER VERSIONS OF THIS FILE POSTED OUTSIDE OF OUR DOMAIN ================================================================= We will NOT respond to ANY messages pertaining to this issue. ================================================================= Best regards, TRANSLATOR SCAMMERS INTELLIGENCE GROUP Published: 20:50 (UTC) January 18, 2016